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UK Global Talent Visa

I'm Joel Parker Henderson, founder of BoldContacts. I'm applying for a United Kingdom Global Talent Visa. I'm asking everyone for advice and help, because my goal for the visa is to move to the UK and work on BoldContacts full time, all for free, all open source.

This is happening because my mother-in-law has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, my dad has been diagnosed with Parkinson's, and my friend has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I'm learning about how difficult these diseases are, and how I may be able to help a bit by using my programming skills.

The UK Global Talent Visa offers a way forward because it approves me to live in the UK and to volunteer with the UK NHS, which is the largest healthcare group in the western world. If the UK grants the visa, then I can work on BoldContacts for the entire next year, and also make it all free forever for everyone in the world.

I'm seeking advice and mentorship for BoldContacts, how to help more people, and leads that may be able to help the UK grant the visa. If you have suggestions, ideas, insights, or potential contacts, I will greatly appreciate connecting with you. My email address is
